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Melinda Estrada

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CEO/Womans Empowerment coach, mortgage broker,

Melinda Estrada is a seasoned veteran in the mortgage industry, amassing a wealth of experience spanning over 25 years. Beginning her career as a Loan Officer, she quickly made a mark by excelling in her family's business. Today, she stands tall as the CEO of Lending Enterprise, her very own mortgage company.

While maintaining her status as a top producer, Melinda has blossomed into a respected leader in her own right. Beyond her roles in real estate and business investing, she has also embraced the role of a Women's Empowerment Coach. Each day, as her sphere of influence expands, Melinda endeavors to inspire not only her employees but also her online community and beyond.

At the core of her purpose lies a simple yet profound mission statement: to spread love and light through her words and actions. Whether it entails guiding individuals on their journey to homeownership or simply demonstrating a better way forward, Melinda wholeheartedly extends her compassionate support. With her extensive knowledge of mortgages, personal growth, unwavering determination, and relentless ambition, it comes as no surprise that Melinda Estrada continues to achieve remarkable success in all her endeavors.